Recent Posts

PureScript: RowToList

I recently added the RowToList and ListToRow type classes to the 2.3.0 release of the typelevel-prelude under the Type.Row module. The idea with these two t...

PureScript: RowLacks

This is a quick post about the new RowLacks type class that was added to purescript-typelevel-prelude. This can be used to require that a row does not conta...

PureScript: Deriving Functor

For the 0.10.4 release, I worked on Functor deriving. This allows you to write a data type and derive a Functor instance for it. This obviously doesn’t wor...

PureScript: Orphan Instance Detection

For the 0.10.4 release, I worked on upgrading the existing orphan check to take functional dependencies into account. Before we get into what this means we ...

PureScript: Warn type class

I recently added user defined warnings to the PureScript compiler. This feature will be available in the release following 0.10.5. You can find the feature ...